About Alpha

(Course 01)

    1. Ancient Athens and Higher Ed

    2. The Ivory Tower Vision

    3. Get a CV Template

    4. Differences Between a Resume and a CV (introduction)

    5. Differences Between a Resume and a CV (explanation)

    6. 6 Primary Differences Between a Resume and a CV

    7. Differences Between a Resume and a CV (Conclusion)

    8. Resume and CV Comparison Tool

    9. Career Accelerator Assignment (Step 1 of 4)

    1. CV Content and Categories (Introduction)

    2. The Meaning of "Curriculum Vitae"

    3. CV Content and Categories (Explanation)

    4. 7 Essential CV Categories (and 1 Non-Essential)

    5. CV Content and Categories (Conclusion)

    6. CV Filing System Tool and Tutorial

    7. Career Accelerator Assignment (Step 2 of 4)

    8. Use the CV Brainstormer to Collect Needed Content

    1. CV Freshman Mistakes to Avoid (Introduction)

    2. CV Freshman Mistakes to Avoid (Explanation)

    3. Errors to Avoid on Your CV

    4. CV Freshman Mistakes: 10 Common Errors

    5. Career Accelerator Assignment (Step 3 of 4)

    6. Download Your "CV Builder Checklist"

    1. Street Smart CVs (Introduction)

    2. Principle 1: Avoid the CV Slush Pile

    3. Principle 2: Defining Reality

    4. Principle 3: Give the Remaining 1%

    5. Principle 4: Don't Neglect the Little Things

    6. Principle 5: Good Enough Isn't Good Enough

    7. Principle 6: Don't Be Complacent

    8. Principle 7: Landing the Job Requires More than a CV

    9. Principle 8: It Takes More Than a Nice Suit

    10. Career Accelerator Assignment (Step 4 of 4)


  • $189.00
  • 70 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content
  • Includes: Audio, video, slides, images, readings, and interactive exercises. Also included are all the resources included in the "Ivory Tower" CV-Creation Tool Kit
  • Course Description: The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the cornerstone of your academic job search. In "The Ivory Tower CV", you will learn what a CV is, and what a CV does. Hands-on exercises will help you build an Ivory Tower-Ready CV to catapult your academic career
  • Course Challenge: Build a high quality, best of class Curriculum Vitae appropriate for being considered a serious candidate and potential hire in the Ivory Tower

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Academii prepares scholars for higher education careers with a completely unique approach. You can see and feel the difference. There's nothing like it, anywhere. Share the news with others who want to ensure their CV doesn't get diverted to "Circular File 13." Just click the button and entering that person's email address, along with a quick note about Academii and the Alpha Course.
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